BRID Air Purifier vs HEPA Air Purifier: A Quick Comparative Test

Big news! We just received a brand new tracking sensor that monitors tVOC (Total VOC) pollutants and the infamous formaldehyde (A particularly nasty VOC itself). As you may know, formaldehyde is found in many households (Furniture, glue, paint, etc.) and it is carcinogenic. So we had an idea: BRID Air Purifier and a high end HEPA Air Purifier got tested against volatile organic compound pollutants and Formaldehyde. The result was expected, but it is still quite impressive!
As it can be observed during the time-lapse in the video below, with a bottle of detergent opened, BRID reaches a certain level of registered pollutants and then starts 'Fighting' them, whereas the HEPA filter simply spreads those pollutants, expanding the contaminated area (this is not a small problem). What is more amazing is that once the bottle of pollutants is shut closed it becomes clear that BRID Air Purifier depletes those harmful pollutants one molecule at a time, while the HEPA filter, which just absorbed them, keeps spreading them in the air for quite some time.
The whole point of the test is to prove that a HEPA filter can reduce the amount of certain kinds of particles (Basically just PM 2.5 and above, when they are TRUE HEPA), but does not do anything at all to effectively clean the air of dangerous VOCs, in fact it helps carrying those pollutants to other areas of the house.
On the contrary, BRID Air Purifier gets rid of those pollutants by reducing their molecules to mostly vapor (H2O).
In the coming months we will also publish visual test results against harmful bacteria and dust mites, number one cause of allergies. BRID Air has also the ability of trapping PM particles (Like a HEPA filter), but even lower than 2.5 microns, thanks to its highly porous ceramic filter. While not as effective as a TRUE HEPA filter, which is not the main targeted performance, BRID Air Purifier performs very well in this field as well, but with the massive bonus of all the other outstanding performances in terms of depletion of pollutants, bacteria, allergens, odors, etc. that conventional filters, including HEPA ones cannot achieve at all.
Let's also not forget that HEPA filters need to be changed often and disposed and that they are very expensive, when really effective (TRUE HEPA), whereas BRID's filters can be washed and they are as good as new, as they are made of ceramic and the active photocatalytic nano coated elements, directly baked into the ceramic itself, making BRID the most effective, safest and low maintenance Air Purifier on the market.
BRID is also the ONLY photocatalytic Air Purifier that does not use UV light, therefore NOT producing any Ozone, which all the others produce. Some in quantities that in some countries are within the legal limit, while exceeding those min. levels in others. BRID is 100% worry free and Ozone free also thanks to a number of patents.
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