The All New BRID Carbon Monoxide Guardian

All people are at risk for CO poisoning. Unborn babies, infants, the elderly, and people with chronic heart disease, anemia, or respiratory problems are generally more at risk than others. Breathing CO can cause headache, dizziness, vomiting, and nausea. If CO levels are high enough, you may become unconscious or die. Exposure to moderate and high levels of CO over long periods of time has also been linked with increased risk of heart disease. People who survive severe CO poisoning may suffer long-term health problems. (Source: Center for Disease Control and Prevention, USA).
Our latest project, BRID Air purifier, just reached a new milestone on its Kickstarter campaign, unlocking the new optional Carbon Monoxide Module. This sensor will monitor the air against dangerous and lethal Carbon Monoxide. The added module will monitor and warn you in case of dangerous Carbon Monoxide leaks. BRID is already proved to be effective against within normal CO levels, processing normal quantities of this dangerous gas.
We just added a series of pledges that include the new CO module. They are called 'BRID GUARDIAN'. You can choose to update your current pledge at a special discounted price, only available during the campaign retail price of the module will be approx. $120), or you can purchase separate module(s) at checkout.
Click here to upgrade to one of the new BRID GUARDIAN special discount pledges.
New Stretch Goal at $400,000 - Allergy Filters
We kept an opening for the $400,000 stretch goal, because we were waiting on an important brainstorming day with the department of allergies, immunology and Biomedicine at the University of Florence, Italy. We have now added the goal and agreed that if we reach it, part of the campaign's revenues will be dedicated to the development of specific modules for targeted allergies. The first one we identified together, is against one of the most widespread. It will be against dust mites (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinusand). There are very strong and compelling scientific reasons to believe that by working together we can create a targeted filter module against dust mites. Today there're hardly effective solutions against them. If we reach the goal, we'll start working on a program ASAP. House Dust Mites are pretty annoying and cause respiratory problems and allergies. Our scientists and the University's, during the conversation, have identified a pretty comprehensive and smart strategy to combat dust mites. After this first targeted filter, we would also start developing new sets of filters for a wide variety of allergies. BRID's smart design and modularity are perfect for these kind of upgrades.
BRID Real Life Testing
We did a real life test with BRID, using an Elgato EVE Room portable sensor. The results were extremely good and very similar to BRID's Lab Tests. You can watch the last part (Time Lapse) of the test focused on the last hour, were BRID is cleaning the room (fast). The room contains a few 3D printers and their resin containers, which once opened generate quite a bit of gases.
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