What is it Like to Raise $600,000 with Crowdfunding

With big crowdfunding campaigns come big responsibilities. Raising money can be hard, but the real fun comes afterwards with the production stage! If you follow us on Facebook you might have noticed that our latest campaign for Brid Air Purifier on Indiegogo just hit the $600.000 mark of money raised! Creating Brid has been quite a journey and with a six digit number comes a great responsibility. Even though we’ve been at it for a couple of years now, the real work has just started.
It may sound redundant for some of you that know us for a while now, but we take transparency very seriously. We’ve learned that to take part in a crowdfunding community is like making a lot of new best friends. You have to be sincere and you have to build a trustful relationship with the people that believe in your ideas. That’s why we not only would like to thank each one who helped us with the fundraising until now, but also keep you up to date with our latest progress.
Here you can find some important updates on production and the first feedback from one of our Kickstarter backers and reliable beta tester.
Being Consistent Means Being Reliable
We just got back from Tuscany, where we conducted a new round of tests. Replicability is a key factor when you bring a new technology up to an industrial scale and we're happy to announce that BRID results are consistent when using our latest batch of filters. This may sound obvious but it took tons of work and testing. As you can clearly see in the following pictures, the concentration drop of NOx was fast and tangible.
Take Your Backers Seriously: Introducing Our New Vent!
When we started the campaign, we had the chance to exchange knowledge with many people that helped us fine-tune our product. One thing that was suggested many time was to use the famed NOCTUA NF F-12 as our official vent. Well, we listened to your advice! We finally tested and validated it as the definitive vent for BRID. Besides the fact that the NOCTUA is probably the best fan that can be mounted on BRID for the its specific needs, we also managed to lower the RPMs in Smart, Boost and Night modes. It means that you will have an even quieter experience while we still preserve the cleaning power of BRID. Needless to say we are so grateful for the continuous help of our supporters.
First BETA TESTER Feedback and How We Gained an Important Ally
Australia is quite far from our headquarters in Milan. It doesn’t mean we can’t rely on the experience from people on the other side of the world. We sent out one of our latest prototypes and a beta version of BRID’s app to one of our backers “D." in Melbourne area to hear his thoughts. His feedback is absolutely unbiased: we haven’t met him, he offered his help (thank you!) and we were absolutely open to criticism. Even though there’s still quite some work to do on the app (D’s sent us a detailed feedback that helped us a lot during the debugging process), here’s some of his opinions. We copied and pasted them just as received:
- We already love our Brid!
- Brid looks like a piece of finely-crafted Italian furniture (my wife words). We cannot wait to see what the deep blue one’s look like.
- Brid feels like it’s made of solid premium materials (even with the temporary plastic components). It’s sounds weird but its a pleasure to run your hands along the metal body.
- My wife said that the air in our family room feels so much “cleaner” now. “Feeling cleaner” was a pleasant surprise.
- Brid cleans the air so quickly. I have conducted a number of tests (by spraying around lots of bug spray) and it detects the change in air quality within 30 seconds and cleans the air within 10-15 minutes.
- Brid is very quiet, even in “Boost” mode. At times, I have forgetten it’s working.
- Brid’s app is intuitive. It’s much more complete than I had expected. Another pleasant surprise.
- Brid's power cable is long. So many companies include short cables and that’s totally impractical.
He also pointed out some flaws in the app and gave useful (and very specific) advice. D., if you’re reading this, know that you’re definitely part of our team!
Getting Dressed For Success
The packaging part is always fun… we just received the 1:1 mockups of the final design. We like them all. What about you? Share your thoughts with us on Twitter with the hashtag #bridairpurifier, your suggestions are always more than appreciated.
Thank you all for the active support and for helping making BRID even better. Today you can still pre-order BRID at a special price, don’t miss that chance!
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